With my head still spinning, full of confusion and curiosity, I asked him to send me the link.
The title to article was: "Reggie Bush Bashes the Women of Buffalo."
Oh, ha ha! Yet another joke about Buffalo. I sigh, roll my eyes and start reading. Keep in mind, this isn't the first time an NFL star has bashed Buffalo. Earlier this year, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady bashed the conditions of Buffalo's hotels, and a few years ago, Buffalo's own Willis McGahee publicly bashed Buffalo as a whole, so it wasn't a surprise to see that someone else had something to say. I also wasn't surprised that my smarty-pants friend thought it would be funny to scare me into thinking some news blogger at Yahoo! Sports wrote something about me.
However, I was surprised to see my four points on my screen when I scrolled down the page. Some news blogger HAD written about me on Yahoo! Sports!! Had he heard I had that I had a crush on Mr. Bush? I was sure that it couldn't be for two reasons: 1) I can't compete with miss Kim Kardashian, 2) a Miami Dolphin can't be with a Bills fan. (FYI: I crushed on him when he was a Saints player, WHO DAT!)
Apparently I was referenced in this article as the "exception to the rule" when it comes to Buffalo women being trashy. I don't know where this stigma came from but it is obnoxious. It is cold here, not very comfortable for people to play football in (or walk their dog) if they weren't raised here or trained in these conditions. Sorry buddy, stinks for you. But I still don't get it, why all the bad animosity when it comes to girls from Buffalo?
I promise you, I am not the exception to the rule. I am an average girl who works and goes to school and there are plenty like me. After pondering this for an entire hour of my life, I have came to the conclusion that Mr. Bush, Mr. MaGahee and Mr. Brady are just hanging out in the wrong part of town. What do you think?
I will leave you with some of my favorite BuffaLOVE moments: GO BILLS!
Children's Miracle Network event at Women and Children's Hospital
Working with teen girls on dating violence issues at a Fellowship in Buffalo, NY