Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Workshop and Big news

So....the day after Miss NY, I announced to my directors and the world that soon I will have a different last name.  You heard me right, I am engaged, finally, to my best friend, the love of my life, my partner in crime, my support system.  IILT Aaron M. Moshier

I mean seriously!  How lucky am I?!?

I cannot wait to pick out my dress from A Touch of Grace oh wait, I already did =)  Thank you to Shelby, Gary and Sue for my first engagement present, my veil.  It is simply breath-taking.  I can't wait for everyone to see it, especially Aaron.  I also can't wait to pass it down to my own daughter, it is truly a piece of art like each of you are.  I love you all so much.

Less than a week later I reported back to Watertown for a day of garage sailing for the Miss TI scholarship fund.  We made a pretty good profit and had tons of fun.  Then we had dinner with Watertown's finest music directors Russ and Laurie Fonce.  Laurie made a delicious Oreo, dirt cake.  Thank you for all the hospitality and carbs, I loved both so much! 

Boy am I glad that I am off my diet, this "cake" was amazing!  
Also glad I close my eyes in every picture. =)

The next day I got to meet the eleven lovely ladies who will be fighting for my crown August 10th.  Some were new to MAO and others were veterans but all were gorgeous, talented and boy can they werk a pair of heels.  I think it is going to be a very difficult choice for those judges.

Who's your favorite contestant?

 We were also lucky enough to catch three generations of Miss TI's in one place!

 Me, Allie and Morgan

Whose next?  Come see at the Claton Opera House on August 10th!  See you there!



The Big Show

Well it took me a week and a half to recover but I think I am now ready to share with you my experiences at my last Miss America preliminary pageant.  Miss New York 2013 was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.  The people who got me there; my mom, dad, Randy, Elle, Remy, Nick, Shelby, Gary, Sue, Kathy, Priscilla, Deltra, Stan and Aaron made the experience even better.  Before I share my feelings, let me first share with you how the week went.

Day one, Tuesday, July 9th:

My mom and I hit the road early in the morning from Binghamton.  I wore this ensemble:

The contestants checked into the hotel at the Hampton Inn in Staten Island, changed and hopped on the bus with our soon-to-be favorite bus driver ever, Gary
 Katelynn Smith, Myself and Jamie Lynn Macchia
Myself, Desiree Wiley and Katelynn

My roommate and one of my best friends in the world, Katelynn <3

Our first stop was the Common's Cafe, a very delicious lunch sponsored by Mr. Nicotras.  The Common's Cafe is a restaurant that donates every dollar to local charities which is pretty cool.

Nina Davuluri, myself and Katelynn

We then visited the 9/11 memorial.  This was my third time visiting the memorial but it never ceases to touch my heart.  It makes me feel even more patriotic than I already am on a daily basis, I felt honored to be in love with a Marine.  After viewing the memorial,  we had attracted some attention from a man working in 2 World Trade Center tower.  He invited all of us up to a viewing of the architects' floor to view what the new New York skyline will look like.  It was a surreal moment viewing the models of the buildings that will inevitably become a part of the history of not only our state but our country.  
 A pretty awesome picture of what the new skyline will look like; iconic.
Standing next to the LARGE models of the new World Trade Center buildings.

After a long walk around the city in my Pink and Pepper heels, I was SO excited to take a look around the actual showroom!
 How awesome are the people at Pink and Pepper?
 They not only gave us all a pair of gorgeous flip flops...
 They also gave us a goodie bag full fun stuff like, an umbrella, sunglasses, a water bottle and more!

Thank you so much Pink and Pepper !

Then...drumroll.....MR NEW YORK!  Mr. New York was sooo much fun.  I had a great time watching my contestant, Corey Cruppi, werk the stage.

 The Cutting Room had some amazing food and treated us like royalty.  Katelynn and me :-)
The very talented Mr Thousand Islands, Corey Cruppi and myself.  The ladies were in love!

Then we headed back to the hotel for some much needed sleep, a little of it anyway.

Day Two, Wednesday, July 10th:

We loaded onto the bus in the morning and headed toward the Tunnel to Towers office.  Tunnel to Towers is a local charity that started after September 11th and has raised money and provided volunteers for state-side disasters ever since.  They also build homes for disabled veterans which really hit close to home for me as well.  It was not only fun to work with this organization, but an honor.
 Paint in the weave!
 Totally normal face; me, Jamie Lynn and Katelynn
Amanda Abdagic, Shannon Oliver (Miss NY 2012), me and Delesia Watson, puttin' in work.
 A fun group shot outside the home of the elementary teacher's home we helped to rebuild.

It was really great working on this home that was effected by Hurricane Sandy.  After that disaster, I knew I wanted to do something but I wasn't sure how.  I feel so blessed that God found a way to let me help with my sisters.

After that we headed over to the Eger Harbor House.  I am so sad that I have misplaced my pictures from this event but I will explain it to you.  Eger house is a retirement home that is filled with some of the most splendid human beings I have ever met.  We are treated like royalty and the beautiful people who live there welcome us with open arms.  You truly feel like you made someone's day.  This was possibly my favorite appearance of the week.  You could really relax and just have a conversation with someone who truly respects what you do.  To the staff and residents of the Eger Harbor house, thank you so much for a delicious lunch and even better company.

After that we headed to Charlie Browns for a very yummy dinner.
Thank you to the staff of Charlie Browns for being so understanding of our very specific diet needs.

As if the day wasn't long enough, we headed to our first four hour long rehearsal with Kent Parham.

Finally, after our rehearsal, Taylor Swift and I headed to bed for some well needed rest.

But we were surprised by a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
The love of my life, Aaron, sent me these flowers for good luck.  I love you babe!

Day three, Thursday, July 11th:

CLOSED rehearsal at the St George Theatre ALL DAY

Sorry, no pictures...except for this one.

 While stretching on my back with my feet up (because they were killing me obviously), I stole a shot of the wall and part of the ceiling of the St. George.  Isn't it gorgeous?

10pm: End of the day

Day four, Friday, July 12th:

Interviews bright and early, keyword, "bright"

 My beautiful interview outfit donated by my friend Mike, thank you for making me look awesome!
Right before I walked into my interview, I ran into one of my princesses, Vern, and gave her a gift: a new sash!

After that was lunch, preliminary dress rehearsal and then prelims themselves!

 Me and Jamie in our opening number outfits.  Twinnies <3
 Evening Gown!

 Awkward talent pose, because when am I not awkward?
 More epic talent picture
Lifestyle and fitness

More evening gown

And THEN, something amazing happened...


and then I made this face...

I am so honored to have won the Kenn Berry Spirit award.  This organization is where my heart lies and I am so happy that that was easily seen.  Thank you so much Agnes White and family for choosing me!  It means the world to me.

Day five, (last day), Saturday, July 13th:

Rehearsals all day and then finals

I did not make top ten but I know that I did my personal best and that is all that I could ask for.  I have come leaps and bounds from where I started ten years ago.  Everyone has their own journey and mine was just the way it was meant to be.

Later that night, one of my dear friends, Nina Davuluri won the title of Miss New York.

Um, can you tell I am excited?

This was such an amazing experience.  Did I mention that my amazing teen, Joelle Leek finished 5th RU?!?!
So proud of you girl!  Love you!

Here are some more random shots from prelims and finals:

 Best Friends: Katelynn and I
 Night after prelims and my Kenn Berry award :-)
 Miss America, Mallory Hagan and myself
 Prelim award ceremony
 Night of finals with my girls, very patriotic looking!  Jamie, me and Katelynn
 My "little" brother bob and me.  I used to help change his diapers.  I can't handle that.
 My amazing nutritionist, pageant coach and bestie Justin Popovics and me.  Thank you for everything you have done for me this year.  Xoxo WERK!

My mommy and me.  Thank you for being fabulous and carting me around to pageants for ten years.  I love you so much.
 My obvious favorite contestants, Jamie Lynn and Katelynn.  I love you both so much.

It is hard to believe that this journey is over.  It has been an amazing ride.  I am so grateful to everyone who helped me get here.  I look forward to what the next chapter in my life brings.  Thank you to the Miss America organization for changing my life and making me the woman I am today.  I am blessed to have been a part of this iconic organization and the amazing Miss New York family.  It is strange to think that my days in pageantry are almost over pending my giving up my title on August 10th but I am ready to move forward.  Onward and upward!

Hugs, kisses and Glitter,

Lonna McCary
Miss Thousand Islands 2013