Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Liebster Love

I am always honored when I receive any kind of award, be it the blue ribbon I won in a Grape Stomping competition or being honored at an Alumni gala at my college.  My most recent nomination came from my amazing pageant director/fashionista/food enthusiast Shelby Cohen.  If you haven't heard of Shelby, (I'm Sorry!) but here is her blog: Big Hungry Shelby.  She has amazing input on all topics but mostly spends her time being fabulous and exploring fabulous new foods.  Shelby recently nominated me for a "Liebster."

This Liebster thing is a blogging award system based on paying it forward to other up and coming bloggers you like, and to encourage more networking throughout the blogosphere. What is a Liebster? Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
  • Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
  • Go to their page and tell them.
  • No tag backs!
Eleven things about me:
  1. I spent a majority of my life with my grandparents and was extremely close to my grandpa.  I now have creepy interest in having long conversations with old guys, especially veterans.  Not only do they remind me of my papa but they also have amazing stories to tell.
  2. I was born in Virginia, on  the coast, because I was a Navy baby....and I hate swimming.
  3. I love running long distances to clear my mind, but don't have the time to do it as much as I would like to.
  4. I have tattoos...yes, I do pageants and I have tattoos.  They are all in places that can be covered in a job interview and each have a meaning. One is about my grandpa, one for my grandma and one is an anchor for my Sailor dad who is a Vet.
  5. I have done everything possible with my hair; extensions, blonde, red, black, brown, long, short.  You name it, I've done it...except for dreads.
  6. I have a SERIOUS addiction to premium television shows.  For example: True Blood, Dexter, Girls, Game of Thrones.
  7. I love country music and dream of singing at the Grand Ole Opry someday
  8. I have a not-so-secret obsession with Taylor Swift.  I know her shoe size and birthday.  You can stop reading now if you want.
  9. I hope that within the next five years I will be a police officer
  10. I love love love Sour Patch Kids
  11. I love being in calm settings.  Don't get me wrong I love my Iphone but if I could get rid of all of my electronics (except my music) I would dropkick them all into Lake Erie.

Shelby's Questions for me:

  1. What is your favorite dish containing bacon?  Bacon wrapped scallops
  2. What is the foreign country you've most loved visiting or would most love to visit? Kenya was amazing and I plan to take my children there some day.  I truly believe it is God's land
  3. What were the top five meals of your life?  I have an awful memory so this question is a fail for me.  Also, I love food and after going to Kenya I truly am grateful for any meal I receive, no favorites =)
  4. As a child, did you have an imaginary friend? Who or what was it? I was an only child for ten years of my life and I didn't have an imaginary friend but I was extremely close with my dog Buster.
  5. What color is your bedroom painted? Gray...does that mean I'm boring?
  6. Do you have recurring dreams? If so, of what? When I was little I used to have really freaky dreams involving the not-so-jolly green giant but it's been years since I've seen him.  Now I just have pageant nightmares involving my arch-nemesis beating me lol
  7. What two people, living or dead, real or ficticious, would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?  Garrett Hedlund and Garrett Hedlund's clone
  8. What is your favorite kind of lip balm? Burt's Bees Grapefruit
  9. Do you have a favorite spice or herb? What is it? Cinnamon
  10. Who is the person who always brings a smile to your face, and why is that? She isn't a person but she always, always brings a smile to my face.  Her name is Bracie 
  11. What is your favorite children's book? HARRY POTTER!

So....I am not extremely popular so I don't have 11 friends but here are some pretty interesting blogs! Please check them out!!  Tag're it!!

  1. Mallory Hagan at Miss New York 2012
  2. Chelsea Brumagen at You Don't Need a Crown to Be Miss America
  3. Gabriella Lexer at Life Without Hair 
  4. Patrick Scullen at Engaging with Conflict
  5. Theresa Guirola at A Day in the Life of Tiny T 
Here are my questions for you:
  1. What is your comfort food?
  2. Favorite place in the world to travel?  And/or dream destination?
  3. Favorite shopping location? (Can be online)
  4. Animals?
  5. Hidden talent?
  6. What's your favorite holiday?
  7. Best gift you ever received
  8. Favorite article of clothing
  9. Last book you read
  10. Favorite band?
  11. Your role model
Keep it going!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lights, Camera, Priscilla!

Last weekend I went and spent my weekend in the Thousand Islands with my "second family."  I had so much fun, it's ridiculous.  Friday afternoon and Sunday morning I shot with my photographer Priscilla James of High Key Photo here are some sneak peeks from our session!

Then Saturday morning I had a "Welcome Home" breakfast for me to meet my extended Miss TI family.  I also had the pleasure of meeting my princess Veronica and crowning her.

Meet Veronica!! 

The last really neat thing I was able to do was tour the beautiful Thousand Islands with my boyfriend Joe and co-director Shelby.

Joe and I in the Thousand Islands

 Shelby and I on top of Boldt Castle, gorgeous, but scary (I hate heights)

I little collage Shelby made of my Thousand Islands ventures.

Last but not least, um, my birthday is in 19 days!  Woo hoo!

Until next time...Love, Lonna