This Liebster thing is a blogging award system based on paying it forward to other up and coming bloggers you like, and to encourage more networking throughout the blogosphere. What is a Liebster? Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
- Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
- Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
- Go to their page and tell them.
- No tag backs!
- I spent a majority of my life with my grandparents and was extremely close to my grandpa. I now have creepy interest in having long conversations with old guys, especially veterans. Not only do they remind me of my papa but they also have amazing stories to tell.
- I was born in Virginia, on the coast, because I was a Navy baby....and I hate swimming.
- I love running long distances to clear my mind, but don't have the time to do it as much as I would like to.
- I have tattoos...yes, I do pageants and I have tattoos. They are all in places that can be covered in a job interview and each have a meaning. One is about my grandpa, one for my grandma and one is an anchor for my Sailor dad who is a Vet.
- I have done everything possible with my hair; extensions, blonde, red, black, brown, long, short. You name it, I've done it...except for dreads.
- I have a SERIOUS addiction to premium television shows. For example: True Blood, Dexter, Girls, Game of Thrones.
- I love country music and dream of singing at the Grand Ole Opry someday
- I have a not-so-secret obsession with Taylor Swift. I know her shoe size and birthday. You can stop reading now if you want.
- I hope that within the next five years I will be a police officer
- I love love love Sour Patch Kids
- I love being in calm settings. Don't get me wrong I love my Iphone but if I could get rid of all of my electronics (except my music) I would dropkick them all into Lake Erie.
Shelby's Questions for me:
- What is your favorite dish containing bacon? Bacon wrapped scallops
- What is the foreign country you've most loved visiting or would most love to visit? Kenya was amazing and I plan to take my children there some day. I truly believe it is God's land
- What were the top five meals of your life? I have an awful memory so this question is a fail for me. Also, I love food and after going to Kenya I truly am grateful for any meal I receive, no favorites =)
- As a child, did you have an imaginary friend? Who or what was it? I was an only child for ten years of my life and I didn't have an imaginary friend but I was extremely close with my dog Buster.
- What color is your bedroom painted? Gray...does that mean I'm boring?
- Do you have recurring dreams? If so, of what? When I was little I used to have really freaky dreams involving the not-so-jolly green giant but it's been years since I've seen him. Now I just have pageant nightmares involving my arch-nemesis beating me lol
- What two people, living or dead, real or ficticious, would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? Garrett Hedlund and Garrett Hedlund's clone
- What is your favorite kind of lip balm? Burt's Bees Grapefruit
- Do you have a favorite spice or herb? What is it? Cinnamon
- Who is the person who always brings a smile to your face, and why is that? She isn't a person but she always, always brings a smile to my face. Her name is Bracie
- What is your favorite children's book? HARRY POTTER!
- Mallory Hagan at Miss New York 2012
- Chelsea Brumagen at You Don't Need a Crown to Be Miss America
- Gabriella Lexer at Life Without Hair
- Patrick Scullen at Engaging with Conflict
- Theresa Guirola at A Day in the Life of Tiny T
- What is your comfort food?
- Favorite place in the world to travel? And/or dream destination?
- Favorite shopping location? (Can be online)
- Animals?
- Hidden talent?
- What's your favorite holiday?
- Best gift you ever received
- Favorite article of clothing
- Last book you read
- Favorite band?
- Your role model